It’s hard to believe it, but after all of these months our kids are going back to school! While it’s always a process adjusting to new routines, it’s now more important than ever ensuring their health and safety. Remember to keep communication open with your children, their teachers and school staff, as we navigate through what this school year may bring. Here are some routines to consider to support their transition.
Create safety plans
• New school supplies this year will include protective facemasks and lots of hand sanitizer. Make sure your children have enough to get through the week. Have your kids prepare these supplies in their school bags along with the usual items of Kleenex, pencils and notebooks.
• Remind them about using their own school supplies and water bottles.
• Go over healthy habits like regular hand washing, coughing into elbows, and avoiding touching their face. Masks should stay on your face, or folded in a ziplock bag when eating lunch.
Create Learning Spaces
• Set up a homework zone; you may already have this set up from homeschooling. Post your children’s school calendars and have baskets for school assignments and books. An organized area will help you keep track of items and due dates, as well as providing a work zone for any days they may have to learn from home.
• Have a family calendar on your fridge or at your desk area. Jot all of your activities, sports, school events and due dates. Having a schedule visible will keep your family on track and prepared.
• Use checklists. There are so many printable resources online like morning and afterschool task checklists and weekly prep ideas. Making lists part of your day to day routine can go a long way in staying organized.

Create new routines
• Use Sundays to go over the schedule for the week. Connect with your children on how their week went and how you can prepare for the week ahead.
• Meal prep goes a long way. Taking a day to prepare larger batch meals and snacks will take the pressure off during busy week days and evenings. Clean and cut veggies and fruits, bake muffins or bars, and prepare meals that can be reheated for quick dinners and packed lunches. Get your kids involved with their lunch prep and they will feel a sense of pride & responsibility.
• Bedtime routines are so important. Try to implement steps in your nightly routine that will help kids wind down, and stick to a consistent bedtime.
Things will definitely look and feel different for kids as they head back to class. Sticking with regular routines will help them feel a sense of normalcy in every day life. With lots of open communication and support, we can help make their transition back to school a success.