When you think of New Year’s resolutions, many of us think of personal changes we want to make with the turn of the new year. Have you ever thought of creating resolutions for your home? How you feel in your home and how it functions can have a big impact on other areas of your life, so it is critical to make thoughtful and intentional choices in your most personal space.
Following the holiday season, it is common to find ourselves cleaning and organizing our homes. This is a great time to plan for the upcoming year ahead and cultivate spaces that truly reflect you, as well as those who enjoy the space.
Talking about money isn’t always the most exciting conversation but when it comes to the home, it is critical. Effectively planning what projects you want to accomplish in the upcoming year will help to achieve your goals. It could be a year that contains a large renovation or one made up of smaller projects, a budget is important for both scenarios. If you have a larger renovation on your list for the year, planning in advance will give you time to obtain a few quotes to ensure you can financially handle the expense. Regardless of the size or complexity of your projects, it is important to prepare a financial plan, so you can fully enjoy the end result
This is a great time to plan for the upcoming year ahead and cultivate spaces that truly reflect you, as well as those who enjoy the space.
Marissa Warner
Declutter not just organize
Organization is commonly the focus when the new year begins. We hit the stores to purchase all the bins, containers and file folders to organize our homes and lives! The most important aspect of this process however, is most commonly forgotten
– declutter!
In a race to feel accomplished or complete a project and cross it off our resolution list, we overlook the importance of decluttering prior to organizing. Getting rid of the items that no longer serve a purpose will make your space feel spacious, welcoming and structured. I encourage my clients to be honest and realistic when decluttering, knowing that making room for new items will promote the feeling you are trying to incorporate into your home.
After departing with items that are no longer required, organizing can be much easier as you are only dealing with the items you truly need and love.

Change doesn’t need to be big
As a homeowner, it is easy to feel like any project is a large undertaking, mainly because the projects never seem to end! Thankfully, not all projects need to be large, complex and expensive to be impactful. There are years where your projects will be smaller in scope, like giving a room a facelift, such as: paint, new rugs, lighting, linens, etc. Perhaps you require more functional spaces, so you focus your attention on organization systems (i.e.: closets, mudrooms, living room) to keep your busy lives running as smoothly as possible.
If you dedicate your home resolutions this year to smaller scope projects, make sure you give the smaller projects the same amount of importance as the complex projects. The smaller projects will help you continue to love your space as the years pass by!